I inherited my love of reading and books at an early age from my mother and her side of the family. I’m proud to see that I’ve passed this inheritance down to my children as well. There’s nothing quite like escaping to a new reality when reading a work of fiction or learning things you never knew while reading nonfiction. When it comes to reading, it’s serious business around here. Our librarians can tell you that they see us multiple times throughout the week and that we check out on average upwards of 100 books every month between the kids and I.
When I read the my friend Dani was hosting the
52 Book Challenge, I knew my family had to join in and show our support. We committed reading 150 total as a family. We’d like to invite you and your family to join in as well. The challenge is pretty easy.
All your family has to do is commit to reading 52 books before the end of 2016. One book a week is doable, right? As you finish reading books, snap a pic and share it using the hashtag #52BooksIn2016 on social media. Since we read so many books, I’ve decided to do monthly updates sharing all the books we’ve read for that month along with which books were our favorites for that specific month.

We really hope to see you and your family participate. Speaking as a parent and having worked in the school system, I can tell you that doing this challenge as a family will have many benefits such as providing bonding time and a tool to help your children become stronger readers. There are plenty of ways to make this challenge fun like choosing to read books that have been turned into movies and then hosting movie nights after you’ve finished them.
Anyways our list of January reads are below. Feel free to click on any of the pictures below to pick up a few of our reads for your little one!
Our January Reads
A Valentine for Percy
Eight Silly Monkeys
This nursery rhyme was one of my favorite growing up and it’s been remixed many ways over the years. When I saw this book I knew I had to get to start with the kids and I’m glad that I did because it ended up being one of the kids’ favorites that we read for January. What really sold them on this book were the 3D die-cut monkey faces on each page. We read this many times and I see us reading it many more times in the future.
Mommy Loves You So Much
This is a Peach
I Can Draw
I Like School
Bubble Shapes
Say I’m Sorry
Curious George and the Dump Truck
Minions Banana
Heated Moments
The Sweet Life
This book has been on my TBR list probably since I first heard the news that Dulce was writing a book. Dulce is a fellow YouTuber and blogger who’s managed to go from a teenager spiraling out of control to a big time beauty/mompreneur. Dulce has such a lovable personality in her videos that it’s hard not to like her. In her new book she spills the beans about how she got control of her life and became the star she is today. She also shares secrets and tips on how she built her brand.
I Can Be a Farm Vet
Moo is pretty obsessed with anything Barbie related and I can’t really blame her. One day I decided to surprise her with this book to read for our bedtime story. She loved it! It combines two of her faves- Barbie and animals. We’ve read a handful of books from the Barbie: I Can Be series and I’m looking forward to reading more. I’ll encourage my kids to reads that encourage and empower them to follow their dreams.

Stop Train, Stop
Olive Marshmallow
This book is so adorable and probably sums up every only child’s feelings to becoming a big brother or sister. We were hanging in the library (our favorite spot) when Moo came up and said, “Is this how your belly looked when I inside?” We checked the book out, read it and loved it. Moo declared it a great read because it will help her brother prepare for when we have another baby. I love that kid’s thinking! Anyways, there’s a followup book,
Olive the Alien and we can’t wait to read it.

Treasure on the Tracks
Lizzie & the Last Day of School
Where is Petey?
Hippo Says “Excuse Me”
Pete the Cat: Cavecat Pete
Back in the Saddle
The Unfairest of Them All
Tuscan Heat
I did get to get in a little adult reading in January. I was excited when I got an ARC (advance review copy) of this book from Harlequin Kimani because I love supporting Black writers/authors, especially in the romance genre. If you’re not a book nerd like me then you might not know that over the past few years there’s been quite the buzz about how there isn’t a market for Black romance because nobody wants to read it and/or there aren’t any good authors writing it. I can say that both of those statements are a lie. There are plenty Black women ( a few non-Blacks) who want to read about Black romance.
Clearly there were enough for Harlequin to start up their Kimani division which publishes Black romances only. Anyways, I’d heard nothing but great things about Deborah Mello and I am proud to say all of those great things were true. She’s definitely a master of romance writing. As I told Harlequin in my feedback, this book reads like sweet poetry and has that true hopeless romantic feel with a few moments of humor here and there.

The Big Green Pocketbook
Thomas and the Shark
If there’s one thing my little guy goes nuts over, it’s Thomas the Tank Engine! We’ve read this book a million times already, but that didn’t stop him from picking it up at the library for us to read again. We ended up reading at least five more times before he would let me check it back in. Don’t tell him, but this is one of many of the Thomas books he’ll be getting for his birthday!

Tea Time With Sophia Grace & Rosie
The Storybook of Legends
Okay, I have a confession to make- I’m totally hooked on the Ever After High series! I know this series is supposed to be for middle school kids, but I can’t help but love these books, especially after reading the Monster High series with Moo last year. When she asked if we could read this series together, I was game. It felt great to get lost in such whimsical world and tale.
If you’ve never heard your child talking about the Ever After High series, it’s basically a series chronicling the lives of famous storybook characters’ children like Snow White’s daughter Apple White and Raven Queen the evil queen’s daughter. Really great series with an undertone of encouraging children to blaze their own paths! Definitely YUMMommy approved.

Clean Up, Clean Up
Up and Down
The Nuts: Bedtime at the Nut House
Splat the Cat: Back to School, Splat
Bad Kitty Does Not Like Dogs
Toot Toot, Beep Beep
Bedtime singalong anyone? If you loved Pharrell’s song Happy before, you’re going to love it in book form even more! This was a crowd pleaser for sure and I love the photography of the kids as well as the inspirational note he wrote to readers at the end of the book. Definitely pick this one up!

Best Friends in Fairyland
If You See a Kitten
Tug the Pup
The Berenstain Bears: Down on the Farm
Katy Duck & the Secret Valentine
Sofia Martinez: The Missing Mouse
Who said learning Spanish had to be boring?! We love the Sofia Martinez books because they’re funny and the kids are learning some key Spanish words. Moo’s also learning that just like Blacks, Hispanics come in all shades of brown and tan as well. I’m always open to books that educate my children on different cultures. I’ve already purchased a few of the Sofia Martinez books for Moo for her birthday even though it’s more than six months away. Who knows, I might gift them to her early!

Cold Rose
Amazing Gorillas
There was an Old Lady Who Swallowed a Rose
Jeff’s Job
The Monster of Sodor
One Big Blue Family
Farm Alarm
TMNT: Too Much Ooze
Peppa Goes Swimming
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I can’t until next month to share our February reads and faves with you all. We’ve been having a blast reading and discovering new and old faves as a family! Thanks again for the challenge Dani!
Do you read as a family? If so, what are some of your favorite reads?
February 19, 2016 at 3:21 AMI love reading! It's one of the things I did so much as a child that I miss it everyday. I stayed in the library until close they locked me in one night too. These are some awesome books that we have got to check out.
February 19, 2016 at 3:21 AMI love reading! It's one of the things I did so much as a child that I miss it everyday. I stayed in the library until close they locked me in one night too. These are some awesome books that we have got to check out.
K. Elizabeth @ YUMMommy
February 19, 2016 at 4:06 PMMy mom has been a librarian for years. So I practically grew up in that place. There was nothing better than being surrounded by all those books. I'm pretty sure I would have gotten locked in a few times if she didn't always hunt me down when she was done shutting everything down. Hope you all enjoy your reads!
K. Elizabeth @ YUMMommy
February 19, 2016 at 4:06 PMMy mom has been a librarian for years. So I practically grew up in that place. There was nothing better than being surrounded by all those books. I'm pretty sure I would have gotten locked in a few times if she didn't always hunt me down when she was done shutting everything down. Hope you all enjoy your reads!