Springing into Action

While, the first official day of Spring has come and gone on the calendar, weather wise I can truly say that Spring has sprung.  After weeks of rainy, windy and just plain horrible weather it’s finally time to pull out the grills and hit up the pools.  Also, this means that it’s time for me to spring into action.  Yes, summer is on it’s way and most people are getting into relaxation mode but I am getting into full on planning mode.
No rest for the weary right?  Anyways, I have to say that Mother’s Day was great!!  The hubby surprised me with the most amazing and heartfelt Mother’s Day card this year.   He’s not really a card person but I have to admit that each year he gets better and better with his card and gift selection. Just goes to show how well he knows me and takes note of the things I actually like.
So, what’s on my to do list before summer gets into full effect?  Well, for starters I have to still send out thank you cards for my baby shower gifts.  I know, I am so behind on doing that.  However, in my defense the weeks following the baby shower were rough.  We all remember about my bad car accident.  And then after that I got caught up in focusing on scheduling my induction.
And if you’ve been following me on Twitter then you know that my baby sister is graduating this spring.  Needless to say, our family has been knee deep in sending out graduation announcements, making party plans and finalizing college stuff.  I’m telling you that time has flown by.  It seems like just yesterday my mom was bringing her home from the hospital and now she’s already been to her senior prom.  I am sure that I will be shedding tears of joys on her big day.
Also, on my spring to do list is helping my mom pick out birthday invitations for my niece.  Her birthday is right around the corner.  And this year, she wants to do the big girl thing and sent out invites.  How cute right?!!  Following her birthday we’re planning on taking a family trip to Disney World.  
I’m excited to be going.  However, a huge part of me is worried because I’ll have two small kids to look out for. The hubby says I should wait until both Moo and JJ will be older to remember the trip and will both be able to get on rides but I haven’t decided yet.  So, as you can see spring is proving to be a very busy time time for me planning and decision making wise. 
What tasks do you still need to spring into action on?

*This post was sponsored by Shutterfly.com.  However, all opinions expressed are original and solely my own.  Are you a blogger? Sign up for a chance to receive 50 FREE cards from Shutterfly.*

  1. Pinching Abe

    May 23, 2011 at 1:29 AM

    Hi, I'm a new follower from Relax and Surf. I hope you'll be able to stop by sometime soon between all of these projects!

    I need to clean off my back porch. There's still lots of pollen out there that accumulated and I need to get gone.

  2. Mrs. Pancakes

    May 23, 2011 at 11:42 PM

    i need to clean out my car!!!!!!! i haven't done that…i hang my head in shame….since winter time!

  3. YUMMommy

    May 24, 2011 at 12:39 AM

    @Mrs. Pancakes-LOL. Wow, yes it is definitely time for a trip to car wash.

  4. K. Elizabeth @ YUMMommy

    May 24, 2011 at 12:39 AM

    @Mrs. Pancakes-LOL. Wow, yes it is definitely time for a trip to car wash.

  5. Jill

    May 24, 2011 at 3:15 AM

    Goodness girl, I don't think anyone would mind if you took it easy. You've been, um, busy!! But I totally know how you feel. The season changes and all of a sudden it feels like you have a million things to do. Not to brag or anything but I tackled a lot in April 🙂 Good luck!

  6. Alicia@ Mommy Delicious

    May 25, 2011 at 5:03 AM

    Whoa mama! You have been super super busy!!! But you seem to thrive off of it. You always give your best in all that you do so I know that if anyone can handle it, you can.

  7. Alicia

    May 25, 2011 at 5:03 AM

    Whoa mama! You have been super super busy!!! But you seem to thrive off of it. You always give your best in all that you do so I know that if anyone can handle it, you can.

  8. YUMMommy

    May 26, 2011 at 8:14 PM

    @Jill-Yes, I have been busy! LOL.


  9. K. Elizabeth @ YUMMommy

    May 26, 2011 at 8:14 PM

    @Jill-Yes, I have been busy! LOL.@Alicia-Thx!!

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