Project Night Night

Project Night Night’s mission is “to provide Night Night Packages, free of charge, to homeless children from birth to pre-teen who need our childhood essentials to feel secure, cozy, ready to learn and significant.”

Why You Should Support Them
Imagine being a five year old child and your family has no home.  You go from shelter to shelter or sleep in your car or even worse maybe you even have to sleep on the street some nights.  How traumatic would it be to get up every morning and not know where you’re going to sleep next?  Well, for approximately 1.35 million homeless children here in the United States, it is very traumatic.  Even more saddening is the fact that according to the National Coalition for the Homeless, 42% of that 1.35 million are children under the age of five.

So from as early as being a newborn many kids are robbed of the experience to feel safe, secure and stable.  Instead of being able to focus on their schoolwork and building friendships like others their age, they’re stressed about where their next meal is going to come from, if they’ll have a warm place to sleep or somewhere to bathe.  Homelessness among children is becoming a growing problem in the United States, especially with the past wave of economic depression we recently experienced.

Thus, Project Night Night works to help combat the emotional and educational needs of these children by providing them with ‘a new security blanket, an age-appropriate children’s book and a stuffed animal–all nestled inside of a new canvas tote bag.’  While this may not seem like a lot for a homeless child who has nothing being able to own something so simple can be a huge boost of self confidence and a source of security.  These Night Night Packages serve as a beacon of hope for over 25,000 children a year.  Project Night Night currently serves shelters in just about all 50 states. To see if they serve a shelter in your town or state click here.

They are a registered 501(c)(3) charity.

How You Can Help
If you’re interested in helping to fight the damaging effects of childhood homelessness, then Project Night Night has several ways you can assist.  You can contribute through monetary donations, material donations or even participate in their Adopt a Night Night Package Program.

For a complete list and other ways you can get involved with Project Night Night click here.

Want More 411
Or Write:
Kendra Robins
Project Night Night
148 Beulah Street
San Francisco, CA 94117

Or Call:
(415) 310-0360

Or Email:

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