27 weeks and Counting

88 more days!!  Yes, that’s how many more days I have to go (give or take) until I can to meet Baby JJ.  I’m so thrilled. I know that I haven’t been overly drowning you guys with details about my pregnancy or taking tons of belly pics, but I am truly excited to be having another bundle of joy soon.    I guess my fears from my first pregnancy kind of carried over to this one and I was afraid to really put much out there in case something went wrong and then I’d have to talk about that too.

But now the end is in sight. I am down to the last trimester and Baby JJ is doing well.  In fact, the doctors think that he’s going to be almost nine or ten pounds once I finally deliver!  Gosh, I sure hope not because Moo was not a small baby and there was some tearing down there.  And let me tell you that while it didn’t hurt when I pushed her out, the aftermath was quite painful.  I was soaking my booty in ice baths for two weeks!

Not to mention, a ten baby is going to be pretty heavy to carry around.  Anyways, I went to my 27th week checkup and they gave me my O’Sullivan’s test.  It pretty much just checks my sugar level to make sure that it’s not high where it would affect the rest of the pregnancy or the baby.  I’m hoping the results will come back fine.  Although, I have to admit it did put a cramp in my style because I had a hard time figuring out what I was going to have for breakfast.

I mean my usual breakfast consists of pancakes with maple syrup, maple sausage, grits and some butter toasted dipped in the syrup from my pancakes.  So, because of the test I couldn’t have the pancakes or the sausage and I didn’t really want to just eat toast and grits. I ended up dozing back off to sleep until almost eleven.  By then it was time to prepare lunch but I did have some stir-fry I had made the night before while I waited for my lunch to cook. I didn’t want to get too hungry.

Oh, I did get pic of the inside of the waiting room.  I’m just so taken with the comfortable furniture and the fact that the Bradford Clinic doesn’t feel like a doctor’s office at all.  See for yourselves.

The couches are very cozy and I love how the decorative pillows match the foot ottomans.  I kind of cut my foot ottoman out of the pic but it’s that blue thing in the corner there to the right.  I still think that it’s so cute and thoughtful that they have them for us pregnant ladies to rest our tired and swollen feet on.  I mean I haven’t seen ottoman’s in any other doctor’s office yet.

Well, by now JJ is 2 pounds or a little over that as my doctors think and is almost 15 inches long.  He’s opening and closing his eyes and doing a lot of moving.  Because my belly is sitting much lower than it did with Moo, it feels like he’s about to fall slap out of my womb every time he moves. In fact, this past week I have sort of been freaked out about it because it’s been more intense than usual.

Sometimes, it actually hurts when he kicks or stretches or does his Zumba workout in there. LOL.  It does feel like he’s having his own party and has invited some friends to join him.  So now that I’m going to be going to the doctor every two weeks, you all can  look forward to more belly pics and tons more posts about baby stuff.  It just seems like now that I am so close to meeting my little man, I can’t stop talking or thinking about it.

Hope everyone has a great weekend.  Thank you to everyone who is supporting March For Charity. It truly means a lot to me.  Don’t forget to check out our lovely sponsors in the right sidebar.  They have donated some awesome prizes for our Twitter Party raffle. I will be putting up a post about that tomorrow for those who don’t understand how it will work.  And if you’d like to donate a prize or gift certificate that would be great. Remember our aim is to raise money to donate to one of these lovely charities that I have and will continue to highlight all this month.

  1. Jill

    March 5, 2011 at 4:48 AM

    Drown away girl! I can't get enough of it! I love your excitement and enthusiasm!

  2. Mimi

    March 5, 2011 at 6:08 AM

    Yay for baby JJ!! Oh I remember those days. Time is surely flying, I remember when I first asked you on Twitter all those months ago. I hope Moo is getting ready! Keep up the good work.

  3. YUMMommy

    March 5, 2011 at 6:14 AM

    @Jill-LOL. Thanks!

    @Mimi-Moo isn't as in denial as she used to be. I think that she doesn't know what to expect, but will do well once he is here.

  4. K. Elizabeth @ YUMMommy

    March 5, 2011 at 6:14 AM

    @Jill-LOL. Thanks!@Mimi-Moo isn't as in denial as she used to be. I think that she doesn't know what to expect, but will do well once he is here.

  5. Mrs AOK

    March 5, 2011 at 2:51 PM

    SOoo excited for you…
    oh my am I getting preggers envy….
    87 Days: )

  6. Mrs.AOK

    March 5, 2011 at 2:51 PM

    SOoo excited for you… oh my am I getting preggers envy….87 Days: )AOK

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