Pampering Our Feet

So, Hachette Book Group was nice enough to send me a copy of ‘Babushka’s Beauty Secrets: Old World Tips For a Glamorous New You‘ by Raisa Ruder and Susan Campos. This book couldn’t have come at a better time.  Those of you who are friends with me on Facebook know that Moo has been suffering from a bad ear infection since Saturday.  And I have to admit that since embarking on my Single Mom Journey, I have kind of let somethings go.   Not to mention, the fact that I’ve just really started dropping the reminder of my baby weight.  So, I’ve been trying to revamp my wardrobe and my beauty.

Let me tell you that as a child we tried our share of natural beauty tips from Seventeen Magazine and beauty books targeted for teens.  More often than not, the serums and scrubs did not work.  So, I was a little apprehensive about trying some of the treatments from this book.  However, the fact that Raisa is a licensed esthetician to some of Hollywood’s greatest and brightest stars kind of nudged me to try a few.    She promises, “Babushka’s Beauty Secrets creates glowing skin for under $5.”

With Summer weather officially here, it is time to pull out the flip flops and open toed sandals.  And as women we know the first rule of wearing any kind of shoe showing off your feet is ‘Get a good pedicure.’  Well, it just so happens that Babushka’s Beauty Secrets has a hands and feet section.  Since I’m on my feet a lot I don’t have to tell you that calluses are the things to watch out for.  Therefore, I decided to try their Clear Away Calluses treatment. 

Reading the ingredients I was a little uncertain that it would work-1/2 cup baking soda and 1/2 cup of kosher salt added to warm water.  The instructions said to soak for twenty minutes and then scrub with a loofah or foot scrub.  Simple enough and I had all the needed items in my kitchen.  I decided that I would enlist my baby sister and my mother to try in this with me to make sure that it really works.  And Moo decided that she was feeling well enough to join in too.

So, we filled up our foot tubs and mixed in our baking soda and salt and got down to soaking.  Now, when you first put your feet in this mixture you will feel a slight tingling sensation.  (My mother claims she didn’t feel the tingling, but me and my sister did.)  It should stop after about two minutes.  It’s not painful or unbearable.  While we waited out a our twenty minute soak we watched a little Cupcake Wars on Food Network.

After soaking twenty minutes, we removed our feet one at a time and got to scrubbing.  Boy did the dead skin peel right off.  I mean we didn’t even have to scrub hard either.  My mom was able to rub hers off with a towel and then switched to the loofah for a deeper scrub.  I was kind of excited and have made up my mind to try more treatments from this book and post my experience with them on here.  I’m looking forward to regaining my fashionista attitude without having to break the bank.

Tonight, we’re trying step two of the Date Souffle.

  1. Mommy Glow

    June 17, 2010 at 1:52 AM

    I love it!!! You are def right its sandal time and our feet gotta be looking RIGHT!! Its a sad day when my feet are looking 100% so I love this idea. I hate scraping my feet so hopefully this will get rid of the dead skin w/o all that scraping I do which doesnt do a good job anyways, geesh!!

    So funny that you wrote this too, because over the weekend I made a foot scrub from ingredients in the house. I used brown sugar, jojoba oil, lotion, and a little honey. I let my feet soak for awhile and they were def soft, but I had to scrap, which is annoying.

    Thanks for sharing and cant wait to see more tips!

  2. Alexandra Elizabeth

    June 17, 2010 at 1:52 AM

    I love it!!! You are def right its sandal time and our feet gotta be looking RIGHT!! Its a sad day when my feet are looking 100% so I love this idea. I hate scraping my feet so hopefully this will get rid of the dead skin w/o all that scraping I do which doesnt do a good job anyways, geesh!! So funny that you wrote this too, because over the weekend I made a foot scrub from ingredients in the house. I used brown sugar, jojoba oil, lotion, and a little honey. I let my feet soak for awhile and they were def soft, but I had to scrap, which is annoying.Thanks for sharing and cant wait to see more tips!

  3. Kenya Mack

    June 17, 2010 at 7:11 PM

    Wow! Thanks for sharing this! What a way to pamper ourselves! I'm glad Moo is feeling better. 🙂 I'm going to look this book up and try the foot scrub myself.

  4. Anonymous

    June 17, 2010 at 7:11 PM

    Wow! Thanks for sharing this! What a way to pamper ourselves! I'm glad Moo is feeling better. 🙂 I'm going to look this book up and try the foot scrub myself.

  5. YUMMama

    June 17, 2010 at 7:44 PM

    Thanks! I'm glad that she is feeling better too.

  6. K. Elizabeth @ YUMMommy

    June 17, 2010 at 7:44 PM

    Thanks! I'm glad that she is feeling better too.

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