Facial Therapy

Good afternoon.  So, I was telling you guys that the lovely people over at Hachette Book Group sent Babushka’s Beauty Secrets and of course I was so pleased with how well their soaking treatment for my feet went that I decided to try a few more treatments from the book.  Let me be the first tell you all that I have severe dry skin.  And my recent stress eating has not been helping out either. I have been binging on sweet foods and sodas.

Needless to say my skin, especially my face has had to suffer.  So, I decided to try one of the face souffles and an all natural serum for my lips.  I tried the Date Souffle which is a mixture of egg (whites for oily skin, yolk for dry skin), sour cream and vitamin E.  You apply the mix to your face, let sit for 10-15 minutes and rinse with lukewarm tap water. Personally, I think you get a more even application if you use a makeup sponge or a cotton face pad instead of your hands.

I put mine on using a circular motion to make sure it really got into every pore.  And you can certainly feel it working once it dries.  Let me just say that when I rinsed off the souffle my skin looked wonderful and this morning it looked even better.  Seriously, I had a lovely glow.  I had to take a double glance in the mirror. Also, let me mention that since I was not going on a date, I decided to follow up the souffle with a nice helping of baby vaseline as moisturizer.   My skin feels so soft and my break out is already showing signs of remission!!

Now for the lips, I chose the Forget Flaky Lips serum.  I don’t know how many of you are familiar with LL Cool J and his lip licking, but I’m a frequent lip licker as well.  Mainly because I’m horrible at keeping up with Chapstick and lip glosses. They end getting washed in my pants pockets ruining my clothes.  So, I settle to lick my lips which are chronically dry as well.  All that saliva coating has made my lips a little flaky and while I used use a medium bristle toothbrush to scrub them, it got old buying a separate toothbrush just to scrub my teeth with. It can get pretty expensive because I like to change mine every month because of germs and dead skin getting caught in the bristles.

So, I when I came across the serum I was like what the heck.  It’s a mixture of olive oil (I used veggie oil), honey, sugar and a squeeze of lemon juice.  You let the serum sit on your lips for 20 minutes if you can do so without licking it off. LOL.  I did manage to resist the urge to lick my lips I must brag.  You wash off with lukewarm water and apply Chapstick, gloss or whatever it is that usually use.  Oh, when I washed mine off, my lips felt so soft.

The dead skin was melted away.  And surprisingly it wasn’t that hard getting all the sugar and honey off.  I guess the acid in the lemon juice helps with that and the dead skin.  I am learning a lot from this book.  In addition, to these treatments and serums they give you tips.  For example, eating lots of cucumbers help to prevent your body from retaining a lot water.  I never knew that!  I’m learning something new everyday as I read and flip through this wonderful book.

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