Don’t Fret The Sweat

I don’t know about you, but for me the road to becoming a tween was rocky.  These were the crucial years where everyone was dividing into clicks that would remain in tack until high school.  Also, I was going through a lot of changes of physically.  One of those being that I was really sweating more and I learned quickly that sweat had an odor.

This ‘unexpected stink’ that my body was now giving off freaked me out a little bit.  Ok so maybe it freaked me out a lot.  How was my body producing this unpleasant aroma?  More importantly, why was it all of sudden doing this?  Hormones….. They can quite the pain, especially when you’re young and fitting in is seems like the number one priority in your world.

We’ve all been at this awkward stage before and know that sometimes our parents can make these transitions a little bit more awkward if they don’t know how to handle it properly or know all the facts.  Thankfully, Unilever (the makers of Dove, Degree and Suave) are here with Don’t Fret The Sweat to help us as parents help our children navigate through this trying time in their lives.  This ‘guide to sweat, kids and confidence’ features expert advice how to deal with the emotional and physical changes that our tweens maybe or soon will be experiencing.

For more information, on how you can help your children maneuver through this stage check out their Facebook page here and click on the widget below.

Disclosure: All views expressed in this post are my own.  However, this is a sponsored post from One2One Network and I am eligible to win some awesome prizes.

  1. Alicia@ Mommy Delicious

    May 17, 2011 at 3:15 AM

    Don't Fret The Sweat is such an awesome campaign… they've got so many things going on in support of tweens and parents of tweens. Thanks so much for sharing!

  2. Alicia

    May 17, 2011 at 3:15 AM

    Don't Fret The Sweat is such an awesome campaign… they've got so many things going on in support of tweens and parents of tweens. Thanks so much for sharing!

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