Thankful Thursday

So, this week has been a long thus far.  Over the weekend, Moo and I both came down with terrible colds.  Turns out hers was due to an ear infection and her wheezing was back.  So the doctor put her on some steroids for her lungs and an antibiotic for her ear infection.  I hate to say it but it seems like every time we visit Grandma’s we both end up sick.

Personally, I think Moo’s sickness comes from the carpet which my mom refuses to take up.  Trust me is cost her nothing.  She found some carpet at this place she does business with and just laid it down. Yea, she’s some what of a hoarder and we are constantly getting on her about picking up things.  So, I don’t know what to do.  Guess, we’ll be taking a long vacation from staying down there for at least a month.

However, I am still happy to say that I am thankful for my loving family and that Moo is feeling much better.  Her runny nose and cough are getting much better.  And in three days she gets to come off the steroids and her nebulizer!!  I don’t really like having her tons of medications.  I just don’t believe those things are good for a body so little.  But until I can find a holistic doctor that I can afford, I guess this will have to do.

I am also thankful to one of my friends for telling me about Amazon Moms.  I can save up to 30% on diapers and wipes and other stuff plus earn a year of free shipping with Amazon Prime.  Can’t be that.  Saving money on diapers and baby stuff is going to come in handy with the new baby.  Kids do cost quite a bit of money and any way that we can save, we do.

I am thankful that I have finally started work on my book.  Yes, that was one of things from Adventures to Accomplish before 12/15 list.  I’m super excited to finally be starting on it because my creative juices weren’t flowing at all.  I think it’s because of the cold, but tonight I just got motivated and finally picked up a pen and started writing.  Thankfully, the words just started to come naturally.

I’m looking forward to hopefully finishing it within a month.  And that’s just the writing part.  I know it’ll need to be edited and formatted afterwards.  Then I’ll have to decide whether or not to self publish or try to shop it around to some different agents.  Either way my goal is to have it published and out by the end of the summer.  I would love to start a book tour in the fall.

So, keep me in prayer that my creative juices will keep flowing and stay tuned to the blog for updates on my progress. Don’t forget to that we are on Facebook and Twitter.  Just click on the icons in the left sidebar.  Also remember to check out our spotlight sponsor too.   She makes amazing diaper cakes, baby slippers and so much more.  Even if you just stop by and see what she has be sure to let her know that you found her on YUMMommy!

What are you thankful for?

  1. MsBabyPlan

    February 10, 2011 at 11:18 AM

    You are in my prayers. I hope you get the book done by then. I would like your prayers too because I am on the same venture :).

  2. Theodora Ofosuhima

    February 10, 2011 at 11:18 AM

    You are in my prayers. I hope you get the book done by then. I would like your prayers too because I am on the same venture :).

  3. YUMMama

    February 11, 2011 at 1:39 AM

    @MsBabyPlan-Thank you. Your prayers are very much appreciated and needed. Likewise I will keep you in prayer as well.

  4. K. Elizabeth @ YUMMommy

    February 11, 2011 at 1:39 AM

    @MsBabyPlan-Thank you. Your prayers are very much appreciated and needed. Likewise I will keep you in prayer as well.

  5. Mimi

    February 11, 2011 at 4:18 AM

    Woot Woot!! A book, you can do it! This week,mentally has been a bit trying but I am so thankful for a sound mind!

  6. TamStyles

    February 11, 2011 at 11:03 AM

    thankful to be alive and in my right mind…to have healthy children, and a husband that loves me 10000% for who i am…even on my worse day.

  7. ######

    February 11, 2011 at 11:03 AM

    thankful to be alive and in my right mind…to have healthy children, and a husband that loves me 10000% for who i am…even on my worse day.

  8. YUMMama

    February 11, 2011 at 4:40 PM

    @Mimi-Thanks! Sound mind is a great thing to have & be thankful for!

    @TamStyles-Nothing like having ppl in your life who love you for you no matter what.

  9. K. Elizabeth @ YUMMommy

    February 11, 2011 at 4:40 PM

    @Mimi-Thanks! Sound mind is a great thing to have & be thankful for!@TamStyles-Nothing like having ppl in your life who love you for you no matter what.

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