Happy Holidays! I’m super excited to be talking about four of my favorite things in today’s post – my family, learning through play, the holidays and
Goldfish Crackers. You see, I’m one of those moms whose favorite times of year are summer and the holiday season. Why? Because I get to spend more quality time with my family.
Now that the holiday season is officially in full swing, I’m looking forward to Winter Break. It’s during this time that we get to take a break from our from jam-packed daily routine. And while we will be taking a much-needed break from schoolwork, I do know how important it is to keep children’s minds active and giving them something to do other than watching Christmas movies and playing on their tablets. As short as Winter Break is, it still possible for some kids to regress in what they’ve learned if they don’t experience the skills they’ve picked up.

Therefore, Moo helped me come up with the idea of doing a holiday sight words version of Bingo. We were watching a movie and they were playing Bingo in one of the scenes. Of course, Moo takes this as her opportunity to inform me that she’s never played Bingo before and that it would be fun if I taught her how to play over break. A few days later, she wanted to know why Christmas, Hanukkah and Kwanzaa all happened back-to-back and why don’t celebrate them all. And this weekend, it hit me that a game of Holiday Sight Words Bingo was just what the doctor ordered!
Remember most kids learn best through play. I thought this would be a great opportunity to kill a few birds with one stone. Moo would get to learn how to play Bingo, she and JJ would get to learn a little about each holiday and stretch their vocabulary, and we’d all get to enjoy bonding over something fun as a family.

While Bingo is already a fun game on it’s on its own, I thought I’d make it more fun by using
Goldfish Colors Crackers instead of regular Bingo markers. What young kid doesn’t like playing with food?! So we went to our local Walmart and picked up a bag or two. Then, we came back home did a little research to pick out our sight words.
And voila! I created this fun Bingo cards. The best thing about them for kids is that they also double as a coloring sheet. JJ wasn’t quite as thrilled about the Bingo because some of the words are a bit hard for him, but when I told him he could color his card, he was totally in.
You want to know the best part about using the
Goldfish Colors Crackers as markers? They make a great snack if you get hungry while you play!! Since Goldfish are made with real cheese, no yucky artificial preservatives or flavoring and the colors are sourced from plants, this is a snack all parents can rest easy on about feeding to their families.

At the end of the day, we had blast playing Holiday Sight Words Bingo with our
Goldfish Crackers. JJ has picked up some new vocabulary. Moo got to learn how to play Bingo and we talked about how each word related to its specific holiday and why it was important. Man, I love it when a good plan comes together and actually works out!.
We have some family coming to hang out this weekend for me and Moo’s birthday celebration and we can’t wait to play this game with them. It’s fun, educational and delicious! You can download your Holiday Sight Words Bingo printables here. There are three cards for each holiday. So you can print about one holiday or all three.
We also put together a little video with other ways that you guys can spend time with your family this holiday season making some memorable Goldfish Moments of your own.
Also, if you’re interested in other quick and easy activities, recipes or projects to do with your family check out the
Goldfish Pinterest page. There so many awesome activities to discover and try.
What’s your favorite way to spend time with your family during the holidays?
December 1, 2017 at 7:09 PMOMG! This is so cute! And i'm soo excited you included Hanukkah! Thanks!
December 1, 2017 at 10:33 PMGreat idea! And so fun, the kids can eat their snacks at the end!
December 1, 2017 at 10:33 PMGreat idea! And so fun, the kids can eat their snacks at the end!
December 6, 2017 at 5:34 PMAwesome idea!!I love to have my kids learn via games!!!
December 14, 2017 at 1:38 PMAdorable and fun. They won't even realize they are learning. Pinning
December 14, 2017 at 1:38 PMAdorable and fun. They won't even realize they are learning. Pinning