I mean let’s face it lip service is no longer an effective deterrent. If we want our Black girls to be able to walk these streets with their heads held high and to face the challenges of the world without falling victim to its temptations then we need to first commit ourselves to living such a lifestyle. In my opinion, Black girls who rock do the following:
1-They Know Their Worth: It’s so too easy to caught up in trying to be part of the cool crowd. Know your worth and don’t partake in things situations that are degrading to you as person, especially as a woman of color. One of the best lessons my father ever instilled in me before leaving was that if I didn’t stand for something, I would fall for anything. Don’t fall ladies!
2-They Value Inner Beauty More Than Outer Beauty: Looking nice is important, but at the end of the day who cares that you’re wearing vintage Chanel if you’re a nightmare to be around? True beauty comes from within. True beauty is about having a lovable personality and keeping a positive state of mind.
3-They Love The Skin They’re In: I grew up in a household in with a light skinned mom and my dad is dark skinned. Most of my siblings are like me and are the darker the end of the different shades of being Black. Because of that we observed how certain family members and strangers treated us different from our lighter skinned family members. I’ve heard people say how good it was the mom’s darker children had good looks because we’d be too dark otherwise to attract mates or be accepted society.
Hell, I was even told during my intern at a very popular and upscale mall here in the QC that I was too dark being there. However, my parents, my siblings and my aunts on my mom’s side did a great job of teaching us to love to differences in our skin tones. And as a mom of children with different skin tones, I’m definitely working hard make sure they both love the skin that they’ve been blessed with. We’re all beautiful no matter what shade of brown we are! Love it, live it , own it.
4-They Know That Education Is Important: Education is the key that opens doors. At the end of day, education is more than just sitting in a classroom or reading a book. There’s hands-on experience. Education shows that you have the discipline and desire to learn which is very important if you plan on having a career or making a living. Education is about experiencing new things whether it be foods, cultures or places. Educate yourselves sistas!
5-They Are Caring: Remember, that someone has cared enough to give you life! That in and of itself is reason enough to be caring and kind to others. But most importantly, imagine if we lived in a world where everyone only cared about themselves. We wouldn’t have organ donors, blood drives, Locks for Love, or cures for many of the diseases that plagued our ancestors and continue to plague the Mother Land. Whether it’s a smile or a kind word, show someone that you care on a daily basis.
6-They Are Generous: Nothing inspires people more than generosity. For me, generosity goes beyond just writing a check. There are so many out here looking for advice, a shoulder to cry on or someone to just be there. So, I challenge you to be generous with your wisdom, be generous with your friendship, and be generous with your prayers!
7-They Are Fearless: Now, being fearless doesn’t mean you’re not afraid of anything. Being fearless means you don’t let being afraid serve as an excuse to not do something. For example, I’m writing my first novel. It’m scared crazy, but what’s making me fearless is the fact that I’m still writing it and putting it out there nevertheless. Take the leap!
8-They Walk The Walk: Like a said before, lip service is for the birds. Put your words in to action. Remember, you can show people better than you can tell about how much you as a Black girl rock!

Baby Shopaholic
November 4, 2013 at 11:58 AMI thought the show was awesome! It's important that we remind young girls that Black Girls Rock! They are not reminded everyday.
November 5, 2013 at 2:46 PMDon't get me started on the fact that some white women had the nerve to have an issue with it. Some truly don't get it. Our little girls rarely see their likeness in positive things so shows like this are so necessary. I love what you said about outer and nine beauty. As a society we push things south that we miss the mark on developing good character in our girls.
November 5, 2013 at 4:44 PMI think it's important for young women to see positive role models. It's hard, to show young ladies how to be young ladies when we {our culture} glorifies those misbehaving or being fast-like.
Thanks for sharing via Mommy Monday! XOXO