Adventures in Potty Training: The Beginning

Well, I think that I mentioned a few posts back that I was going to try to have my adorable Moo potty trained by the end of the Summer.  And I have to admit that at first I didn’t put much effort into it.  I know Boo me, but in my defense, I was just tired.  I had a lot on my plate. (Not really unusual.)  And of course, let’s  just face it, I was just lazy when it really came to the task at hand.

However, I am happy to report that I have since recovered from my laziness.  I can’t say that I’ve taken some of the things that were on my plate off.  If anything it’s been quite the opposite.  I’ve actually put more things to my plate, but I will save all that for a later post.  The important thing is that we are finally on the journey to leaving behind diapers and saying Hello to big girl panties!  Now that I have taken the plunge, I’m truly excited.

It sounds crazy but I am genuinely excited about Moo soon being able to go potty.  For starters, my diaper bag will be lighter.  I won’t have to carry a stack of diapers, ointment and all that other stuff.  I can just keep a few pull-ups in the car and I always keep wipes.  Second, I’m excited about taking her shopping to get her first set of panties!!!  That will be a milestone to write about in her baby journal.

Every time, I go to Super WalMart or The Children’s Place or whatever shop I’m at, I can’t help but glance at the little girl underwear and wonder when my Moo will have a collection of her own.  My mom always says that nice underwear helps you to feel sexier and better about yourself.  Of course, Moo is too young to feel sexy, but at least she will feel good about herself.  She’ll like the big girl she tries so hard to be.

This morning, we sat on the toilet using the Sesame toilet seat my mother got.  She did a little tinkle.  And then later on this afternoon at the office, she tried taking a poo on the toilet!!  That might be TMI, but I can’t help it.  I’m motivated and fully committed to helping her progress.  I’m learning that motherhood is what you make it.  And I choose to make my journey fantastic.

I can either complain like I see so many of the other moms doing, but at the end of the day Moo didn’t ask to be here.  So, instead of viewing this process as a messy one, I’m keeping my eyes focused on the prize.  I’m also trying hard to let this be a positive experience for Moo as well.  If my attitude towards potty training her is negative or ill then she won’t feel motivated to let me know when she has to use the bathroom.  Instead she’ll be more content to urinate in her diaper and not have to bother me.

So, I’m already on the hunt for a cute frog potty that we can decorate with her name and maybe some more frog stickers.  I’d also like to get one to go in the car.  That way I can get her used to going to the bathroom on the go.  Not to mention, I won’t have to put out a boatload of sanitizer and Lysol just make the public restrooms clean enough to go in. I can just lift up the trunk of our minivan and sit her on the potty. (I have privacy screens that can go around her potty of course.)

I can’t wait to see how this adventure progresses.  Wish us luck!!!

  1. Dyani Marvel

    June 30, 2010 at 2:39 AM

    Good luck with the potty training! Great ready for accidents and get ready to soon be diaper free!! Like everything, it is a process. We just KNEW our daughter would be potty trained lickety split, but it took way longer. Months and months. One but of advice that was given to me and I pass on to all new potty-trainers…. BRIBE/INCENT/USE CANDY, CAKE, whatever your child loves to encourage that behavior. Mini chocolate bars worked wonders in encouraging our little lady!!

  2. Unknown

    June 30, 2010 at 2:39 AM

    Good luck with the potty training! Great ready for accidents and get ready to soon be diaper free!! Like everything, it is a process. We just KNEW our daughter would be potty trained lickety split, but it took way longer. Months and months. One but of advice that was given to me and I pass on to all new potty-trainers…. BRIBE/INCENT/USE CANDY, CAKE, whatever your child loves to encourage that behavior. Mini chocolate bars worked wonders in encouraging our little lady!!

  3. YUMMama

    June 30, 2010 at 5:09 AM

    Thanks Dyani. I'm so looking forward to being diaper free. I've got experience in potty training and am well prepared. Right now Moo seems content to be bribed with being able to look in my shiny fashion magazines while she potties. LOL. We'll see how long that lasts.

  4. K. Elizabeth @ YUMMommy

    June 30, 2010 at 5:09 AM

    Thanks Dyani. I'm so looking forward to being diaper free. I've got experience in potty training and am well prepared. Right now Moo seems content to be bribed with being able to look in my shiny fashion magazines while she potties. LOL. We'll see how long that lasts.

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