My Weekend WrapUp

Let me just say that I had the most awesome weekend!!  Saturday, I got to hang out with my brother and my two younger sisters.  It felt good to get together again-just us siblings plus Moo- and have fun.  We started with a meet up at my sister and brother in-law’s apartment in Rock Hill.  Let me tell you that it took these people so long to get dressed.

I had called them like three hours earlier to make sure they were going to be ready to walk out the door since we were coming back across the border to Charlotte to head to the mall.  Well, I arrive after noon and they are still in night clothes and just finished eating breakfast.  Craziness.  But it was ok.  While I waited on everyone to get dressed I enjoyed my second adult beverage in like almost three years!!!  It felt good to have a little drink.

I’m not an everyday drinker.  I usually drink for Christmas and New Years.  And of course, Jay doesn’t drink at all.  He watched drinking and drugs pretty much destroy his own family and it did destroy his childhood.  So, he’s very much against drinking and can’t stand it when I have those two drinks.  It’s like he’s scared I’ll turn into I’m going to turn into his mom or something.  Therefore, I do try to respect his wishes.

Anyways, off we headed to mall in my honda civic.  What started off as a hunt for some Ralph Lauren polos quickly turned into Moo wanting to run around the store touching and knocking over everything in her path.  My brother came up with the grand idea of letting her out of her stroller.  And she did good at first until we had to go upstairs to the Disney store. 

Then it turned kind of ugly.  Right off the bat she discovered the container of bouncy balls.  Off she took across the store and started tossing the balls everywhere.  And one poor man made the mistake in walking in her crossfire and she actually gave his leg a pretty healthy shove in an attempt to move him out of her shooting path.  I was slightly embarrassed, but the older man was quite sport and said that it was ok.

Him and his wife were obviously shopping for their grandkids.  So, I guess they understood how kids are about toys.  And to my good fortune all the other shoppers and the staff seemed to not notice Moo’s running around the store like a chicken with her head cut off.  However, my youngest sister did not seem to understand that Moo is only one and a half or that toy stores drive kids wild.  She acted like she was utterly embarrassed.  Needless to say that I was getting a little frustrated with her snobbiness, especially since she’s been complaining about how she doesn’t get to see Moo anymore since I moved out.

And it was her idea to come to the Disney store.  She has this crazy obssession with Tinker Bell.  Seeing my frustration, my brother decided it was time to head to the food court for some lunch and call this trip a quit.  Well, lunch did not help my sister’s attitude.  In fact she started acting more snobbish and it was just towards me for some odd reason.  She put everybody’s trash in the trashcan because she was sitting right next to it, but when I passed her my McDonald’s bag she refused to touch it.

I was little heated because I wanted to know what the hell her problem was.  I’ve been keeping some of her biggest secrets and here she was acting stank!!  However, I remembered that she’s a teenager.  This is how they do I reassured myself.  And I wasn’t going to let her funky mood rain on my parade of spending the day with my siblings. We loaded up and headed back to Rock Hill to let my brother pick up his car and drop off my other sister.

Then Moo and I followed my  brother back down to our hometown.  I had already called my mom that morning and told her what time we would be coming in.  However, that did not stop her from spending all day at this cookout.  I was mad that she wasn’t home when I got there.  I had changed my plans to come home and help her with some paperwork and she wasn’t even there.  Finally almost an hour later she showed up and immediately started in on why I wasn’t spending the night.

Thankfully, she eventually stopped nagging me and let me finish up everything.  Then it was off again to head back home in the dark of night.  It was after 11PM when I loaded up the car with Moo, her highchair and the playpen we had left at my mom’s house.  For a minute I thought about staying but Moo and my niece had already had their meltdown for the night and my mom had turned the middle room into a storage room.  I didn’t feel like waiting up for her to move things around so that we could sleep in there.  So, I decided to drive back home.

Moo’s loud cry signaled that she was not to pleased with my decision.  She cried for all of thirty whole mintutes with two breaks.  I felt a little bad because I don’t even like to hear her cry but I just wanted so badly to be back in the comforts of my own place and with Jay.  After all he had been such a good sport when I told him that I was ditching our family trip to the zoo to hang out with my family and go help my mom with her paperwork.  I felt more than a little guilty for bailing out on him like I did.

What should have been an hour and ten minute ride quickly turned into an almost two hour ride.  (1)-Animals kept running across the road and I ended driving below the speed limit in case I had to slam on brakes.  I’m talking about going 35 in a 55.  I love animals and could never bare to hit one.  (2)-About halfway through the trip I was starting to wonder if I was lost because we were driving down this long never ending road full of nothing but corn fields and trees.  No houses in site.  (3)-I’d never driven this road in the dark since my move a month ago and I had to pull over twice to make sure I was going the right way.  There weren’t very many signs and absolutely no street lights!!  Thank goodness for SmartPhones with GPS and Mapquest!!!

Anyways, Moo and I made it back home to Jay in one piece.  Although, Moo woke up fifteen minutes before we got there and starte her wailing again.  But I discovered when we got in the house that she soaked and thus her crying was justified.  I had forgotten to check her diaper before we left my mom’s.  I had assumed that since I had changed while we were there that she hadn’t gone again.  I had forgotten that my baby sister had given her some soda and water plenty of water.

Sunday, I decided to sleep in.  Moo, Jay and I snuggled under the covers until 10.  Then Moo got up and headed into her room to watch Nick Jr. I’m glad that she’s at the age where she can sit and watch tv without me having to be there constantly supervising her.  But to be safe I placed her in her crib and went back to snuggle with Jay.  Thankfully, she lasted in her crib almost an hour before she sounded her boycott alarm and Jay sensing my tiredness went in to take her out.

The rest of the day I spent hunting down wedding venues and just catching up on my shows.  All in all my weekend was awesome despite my sister’s attitude at the mall, my late drive home and tiredness.  I’m learning that happiness is what you make it.  It’s one of those emotions that you can control and I’ve decided that instead of taking things too personal or letting my frustration ruin my mood, I get over it quickly and move on.  I pray about the situations I can’t change and leave it at the alter for God to work out.

I got to spend time with my family, go back home and visit with my mom and niece and made it back to my new home and my fiance in one piece.  I couldn’t have asked for anything better.

  1. melanie_nicholson

    September 8, 2010 at 4:49 PM

    Great Blog …. visiting you from Wednesday Frog Hop and are following you now via GFC … would love if you can visit me over at
    Happy wednesday

  2. melanie_nicholson

    September 8, 2010 at 4:49 PM

    Great Blog …. visiting you from Wednesday Frog Hop and are following you now via GFC … would love if you can visit me over at
    Happy wednesday

  3. Melanie

    September 8, 2010 at 4:49 PM

    Great Blog …. visiting you from Wednesday Frog Hop and are following you now via GFC … would love if you can visit me over at http://www.twoboysonegirlandacrazymom.comHappy wednesdayMelanie

  4. Melanie

    September 8, 2010 at 4:49 PM

    Great Blog …. visiting you from Wednesday Frog Hop and are following you now via GFC … would love if you can visit me over at http://www.twoboysonegirlandacrazymom.comHappy wednesdayMelanie

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