Today, I’m sharing 5 truths to share with our children everyday thanks to a little help from my Word Play board on Pinterest. As a parents, it’s very important that we teach our children life lessons and truths on a daily basis. After all how else will they learn these morals, values and code ethics? My mission as a mom for 2014 is to make sure that Moo and JJ know the following not just because I tell them, but because I’m living it:
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For some us, we think that just telling our children that we love them everyday is enough. While I agree that we should verbalize our affection for our children, love in its true form is a verb. I hit on this point several times in my Bible 365 posts last year. God defines love as the actions we perform for others.
Before my dad left, I never questioned whether he loved me or not as a child. It wasn’t because he told me. I was and never will be big on lip service. I needed to see to proof. And for a few years, he did just that. He showed up to science fairs, taught me about cooking and even brushed my hair on occasions. There was even one year when my mom was out of town for Halloween, he got creative and made all of costumes out of things around the house.
That for me was him showing love. And I strive to do the same for my children. I see a lot of myself in Moo. Lip service doesn’t do it for her either. I never want her wondering if I love her now or even years down the line when she’s, married and has a family of her own. I want to be conscious to show her and JJ what love and loving others is all about through personal example. No do as I say and not as I do here.
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Taking the easy way out is for cowards. No ifs, ands or buts about it. When it comes to doing the right things, we should be teaching our kids to not even question it. The best example, I can give is that we see all of these videos on the internet and tv of how crowds of young kids and teenagers will gather around to record fights and other nonsense, but nobody ever does the right thing by going to get an adult or calling the police.
I don’t want that to be my children. One day they may be in the position where they are getting bullied and I hope that their peers doesn’t just there and watch or worst cheer on the bully. At the end of the day, aren’t we, the parents, responsible for instilling good values and morals into children? Aren’t we suppose to be teaching them right from wrong starting at day one? Don’t wait until Bobby is 15 to teach him that using his fists to solve problems is wrong. Show kids the right way by your example.
I tell you right now, if I see something wrong going down, I call the proper authorities. At the end of the day, not only do I have my kids watching my reaction, but I have a conscience that I have to answer to when all is said and done. Hopefully, with enough a practice doing what is right will become easier instead of doing what easy becoming more right in their minds.
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Kindness sometimes seems like a foreign language in today’s society. And that is sad. Actually this is beyond sad. So many of us are like the strangers from the story of Good Samaritan who passed the beaten and dehydrated man left to die by the road side.
Kindness doesn’t take much or a situation that drastic. Just the act of smiling at those you pass or speaking a friendly hello when you enter a room filled with people is showing kindness. There are numerous ways that we can teach our kids about being kind to others. Need a few ideas? Check out the Random Acts of Kindness website:
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Whether good or bad, every moment in life is meant to be enjoyed. Every moment we have in our lives will show us just how blessed we are. And that we should enjoy and take pride in. Enjoying every moment also means taking the to enjoy the people and/or places that are a part of those moments.
This year I am definitely striving more to be in the moment with my family and enjoying the memories we’re making. There will be times when memories of those moments will be all that have.
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Besides the Bible, the second most powerful set of words are the the words we tell ourselves. Not only can our words have power over others, but they have power over us for sure. Negative affirmations reap negative rewards. Start telling yourself and reminding your children to tell themselves 5 positives traits they like about themselves everyday for a month. The transformation will be awesome.
When we tell ourselves that we can, we do it! Let your children see you speaking your positives into existence. (Don’t forget to back that speech up with a little action too!)
What is one truth or life lesson that you share with your child?
P.S.- Don’t forget to link up for Motherhood Monday over on the FB page.
Denise Murray Wong
January 13, 2014 at 7:40 PMThank you for sharing such a positive and relevant post for families raising children. I agree with every lesson and would add, “If you are not a part of the solution, then you are a part of the problem”. There is little help in complaining, find a way to make it work out for the best for everyone involved, if possible.
niecyisms | Creative Learning Center Studios
January 13, 2014 at 7:40 PMThank you for sharing such a positive and relevant post for families raising children. I agree with every lesson and would add, \”If you are not a part of the solution, then you are a part of the problem\”. There is little help in complaining, find a way to make it work out for the best for everyone involved, if possible.
Kerri Waller
January 14, 2014 at 3:42 PMThese truths are amazing! Definitely should share with our kids and really anyone! There's so much positivity to these truths and any of them could really change someone's whole day. PS I love the Random Acts of Kindness! 🙂
January 14, 2014 at 3:42 PMThese truths are amazing! Definitely should share with our kids and really anyone! There's so much positivity to these truths and any of them could really change someone's whole day. PS I love the Random Acts of Kindness! 🙂
Laila @OnlyLaila
January 14, 2014 at 6:42 PMLOVE this. I tell my son that I love him every day, but I agree that there has to be more to it. I have to model the behavior that I want him to do. Thanks for this reminder.
January 14, 2014 at 6:42 PMLOVE this. I tell my son that I love him every day, but I agree that there has to be more to it. I have to model the behavior that I want him to do. Thanks for this reminder.
K. Elizabeth @ YUMMommy
January 24, 2014 at 10:16 AMAgreed. No use in complaining if you're not going to something to better the situation!
K. Elizabeth @ YUMMommy
January 24, 2014 at 10:19 AMYes, I am definitely sure a lot of us adults could use a little reminder of these inspiring words as well!
K. Elizabeth @ YUMMommy
January 24, 2014 at 10:22 AMYou're welcome. I'm striving my hardest to best the role model for my children so that when they're adults I can look back and feel like I went above and beyond my responsibility in showing them right from wrong.
Julie S
February 11, 2014 at 5:46 PMThis post is excellent. I also love the use of pins to convey these thoughts. Sharing 🙂
February 12, 2014 at 5:06 AMThese are great lessons for kids.
February 12, 2014 at 5:06 AMThese are great lessons for kids.